Zachary, LA | (225) 938-1686


To kickstart the season to ride a motorcycle, Tiger Synthetics in Zachary weighs in on a few upkeep pointers to help with withstanding the following months. Keep reading to improve motorcycle maintenance.

Call Tiger Synthetics in Zachary at (225) 938-1686 to get your motorcycle spring ready with the help of AMSOIL products. Or, head to the AMSOIL website if you need to take your time before buying and browsing their catalog before you come around.

Once the winter days are long gone, bikers will get back o the horse when the sun comes out and spring arrives. If you want to confirm that the motorcycle remains mint, pay attention to these upkeep tips and keep sudden faults under control.

Measure Fluid Levels before You Head Out

This recommendation targets motorcycle users that favor the spring and summer months. If you haven't started your riding season yet, you must check the levels of liquids before going on any trip. The same applies if your motorcycle needs coolant to protect its components.

Replace Old Filters with Newer Ones

It's best to replace the filters occasionally, so it might be time to change or top off the liquids the motorcycle needs. Replace the air and oil filters before going on a road trip if required. Also, this step can apply to other areas, so make sure you change the two-wheeler's oil at least twice a year.

Don't Overlook Your Tires Set's Pressure Level

The heat experienced in the coming months may develop a few sudden reactions. For example, the temperature of the asphalt might increase due to the sun's reach, making it a more unfortunate case for the tires of any vehicle. For this reason, a good tip to improve motorcycle maintenance is to gauge the tire pressure before the season starts.

Protect Your Bike from Salt Exposure

The excellent weather calls for a day at the beach. If that's your plan, be weary of salt's harsh effects on your motorcycle. Don't forget to take a tarp with you when planning your trek to the beach on your two-wheeler. This cover protects the motorcycle's fairing and inner parts from the damaging salty breeze.

Make the most of this season by switching to synthetic oil products. Call Tiger Synthetics in Zachary at (225) 938-1686 and have these AMSOIL pros show you how to get started with these formulas. Also, don't forget to stop by the AMSOIL website to get familiar with their range of products.

Don't Ride during the Hottest Hours of the Day

This step is crucial to regulate temperature. Avoiding sun and heat exposure will keep your two-wheeler from overheating while maintaining it in the best shape. This is a critical step to improve motorcycle maintenance, so remember to always park in the shade to minimize unnecessary sun exposure.

Using the Right Wax Will Protect the Motorcycle

Persistent sun exposure can affect the paint and change the color of your two-wheeler. Most riders overlook this due to the comparison motorcycle care faces against car maintenance, but don't let that fool you! Motorcycles also need a lot of upkeep and service checkups.

The Paintwork Will Often Require Most of Your Attention

Make sure you apply wax to prevent any damage. Using a few layers of polish is a trick to breathe new life into your motorcycle and protect it in the hottest hours of the day. Applying wax is not time-consuming at all. You only need thirty minutes to make your motorcycle look as if you just got it out of the dealership. If you just put up with this task for thirty minutes to bring the bike's paint and graphics to their old glory while protecting them from the sun's rays.

Wash the Motorcycle

Before you start waxing your two-wheeler, you need to make time to wash it. Please don't go thinking you can wax the vehicle without washing it. Otherwise, the wax will capsulize contaminants on the surface. This mistake can expand corrosion and deterioration of metal components. please proceed with caution when using a pressure washer. This tool can cause damage to metallic surfaces or even the paint on your motorcycle, leaving it with visible flaws.

Remember to Inspect the Brake Pads and Chain

Adequate motorcycle maintenance requires constant checks on elements such as the chain and brake pads. If the brake pads are less than two inches thick, you must change them ASAP. The chain must be tensioned according to the manufacturer's standards in the owner's manual.

Feed your motorcycle with AMSOIL's 20W-40 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil and keep the engine in mint shape. Call Tiger Synthetics in Zachary at (225) 938-1686 or check out the AMSOIL online store to place your order.