Winter has gone by, spring has arrived, and it's time to dust off your motorcycle after the last months of hibernation. To do this correctly, keep reading this post by Tiger Synthetics in Zachary.
Spring and Summer: The Harshest Months for Your Motorcycle
You might run into problems if you left the motorcycle in the open air without properly “hibernating” it or didn't take the required precautions after its last autumn outing. For starters, the battery could be discharged entirely, and rust could be forming everywhere. Worst case scenario, a radiator exploded due to frozen liquids.
In any case, you must complement its maintenance for the correct “awakening” as soon as the sun returns and satisfy your desire to ride a motorcycle without harming it.
Give your bike a synthetic oil change in Zachary before the weather gets any hotter! Reach out to the oil pros at Tiger Synthetics and get the most helpful guidance on AMSOILformulas. Call (225) 654-5145 or send an email to and get familiarized with the most reliable range of products for your bike.
Motorcycles Have Different Needs Depending on the Season
When there's no other alternative than to leave your motorcycle parked outside, it's necessary to take into account some recommendations to avoid, as much as possible, the dire consequences that sun exposure can cause, such as the seat's overheating and the paint's deterioration. For instance, avoid using uncertified products to remove scratches, as these affect the lacquer layer that protects the paint. If it's applied in a critical area, you must be aware that it will suffer much more from direct sun exposure so, have these areas checked out by a mechanic and see if they could be restored.
Mind Your Surroundings and High Temperatures
If the motorcycle is parked in a coastal area, it would be necessary to clean the metallic parts periodically and dry them entirely since the breeze and sand cause them to rust quickly.
High temperatures are one of the causes that amplify engine overheat. Therefore, to protect it and keep it functioning correctly, it's best to park the motorcycle in the shade, or somewhere where it doesn't have to withstand the sun's rays.
Take Care of Leather Pieces
The seat is another part that requires cleaning from time to time to remove particles that can damage the fabric, or leather, when heated. It's recommended to wash this area with shampoo and avoid products with silicones if the seat is made of leather as this product dries the material in the long run.
Please don't neglect your motorcycle's maintenance and give it a seasonal synthetic oil change in Zachary to withstand the upcoming months of heat. The oil specialists at Tiger Syntheticsare eager to help your find the right formula for your bike. Call (225) 654-5145if you have any questions regarding AMSOIL products.
Does Heat Affect the Motorcycle?
The answer is yes. High temperatures negatively affect the engine, losing up to 15% of its power as the engine needs massive amounts of air to run while consuming more gasoline. The hotter the weather, the fewer oxygen molecules in the air, and this reaction will limit the engine's ability to cool properly. Therefore, you must keep water on hand in case you need to cool the motorcycle's engine. And of course, don't forget to stay hydrated with plenty of water to cool your body as well.
Beware of Tire Damage
Due to the heat, the pressure and volume change a lot, and the consequences often lead to unpleasant situations. During spring and summer, the tires' performance falls behind, increasing the risk, wear of these parts of the motorcycle.
Please check the pressure of the tires often during spring and summer and make it a priority. If you only use the motorcycle during these months, checkups and adjustments will be mandatory.
How Does the Heat Affect the Brakes?
The brakes deteriorate quicker amidst extreme temperatures, the brake fluid consumes faster, and the discs could lose their shape in very extreme situations.
Lastly, Preserve the Vehicle's Paint
Take this time as an opportunity and have a paint check after each trip during spring and summer. The heat destroys the paint's lacquer and can even affect the surface until it wears it out. Always park in the shade if you want your motorcycle to look pristine.
Keep your motorcycle in top shape with AMSOIL's10W-30 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil as soon as it requires an oil change. To learn more about this formula, please call (225) 654-5145 and get in contact with Tiger Synthetics to give your motorcycle a synthetic oil change in Zachary.